Irrigation - Precision - Spraying

The Ultra Low Power wired range provides a perfect solution for those who want to measure wind speed for agricultural application. Our wind sensors deliver accurate wind direction and speed data allowing the user to connect it to a datalogger and display or to send information. Its robustness and improved rain performance design make it a great device to withstand all weather conditions.

Measuring wind conditions on the field helps to optimize your agriculture operation. Whether you are involved in precision agriculture, spraying or irrigation applications, knowing and analyzing wind data is required to maximize efficiency and quality during farming activities.


Precision agriculture is closely related to weather conditions. Choosing the best time for producing, harvesting, planting, among other farming activities, depends on current weather conditions and forecast. Wind direction and speed are some of the main weather variables to monitor.

Monitoring real-time and accurate wind data affecting crops is critical for precision agriculture. Monitoring, tracking and measuring wind conditions will ensure a better management of the possible risks.


Spraying is expensive and implies environmental awareness which requires accurate chemical management. Wind conditions (and humidity) directly affect spraying activities and can lead to an inefficient use of pesticides. Monitoring wind direction and speed prevents unnecessary expenses and helps to maintain a safe environment on farms.


When and how much to irrigate is a crucial decision for any farmer. Evapotranspiration and the crop coefficient factor determine the optimal quantity of water a crop demands. Wind speed and direction are key factors in determining evapotranspiration and therefore, irrigation flows and timing (how much and when to irrigate). Uniform irrigation is heavily linked to efficient crop management. Wind is again a relevant variable due to its direct effect on sprinkler efficiency since it can alture the sprinkler distribution pattern leading to water being applied unevenly.

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Ultra Low Power Ultrasonic wind meter